Too Bermuda…, 2011

TITLE: “Too Bermuda…”

DATE: 2011

MEDIUM: Wood, desk, map, polystyrene, found objects, sand, time, mysterious things.



“Too Bermuda…” is a model of a subterranean tunnel through the core of the Earth to the remote North Atlantic island of Bermuda. From Perth, Australia (the most isolated capital city in the world) a hole dug straight down would reach Hamilton, Bermuda (another extremely isolated location), strangely enough making these two places antipodes. This model tunnel, which is constructed within a scale model of my research studio (as shown in images above), is based on a scale replica of the Kalgoorlie Superpit (the largest open pit mine in Australia) transposed into an area of the city known as the “Perth Cultural Centre”.

Provided my calculations are correct, I should reach Bermuda within 11 days….