Helpless Articulation Locator (model #2011)

Sample text from live HAL2011 interaction:

User: “Tell me how to live well?”

HAL Response:”…Live well at the scene and it live to the scene and the and allow it to seeing a live to the scene of a death as a supply route to seeing a live to the scene and not allowed to see how I did as he may train Ocean whale mind when I seen any live to the scene and not allowed to see how I was here to assist a client as you know I seem and not allowed to see how you see it on the shores of F. Manuel at the scene and live to the scene and not allowed to see him alive to see him as a supply route to see how I see and not allowed to see how you see a train ocean where online Rossi…”

TITLE: Helpless Articulation Locator (model#2011)

YEAR: 2011-2013

MEDIUM: Aluminum box, stereo speakers, computer programming, audio software, microphones, wires, audio mixer, wooden crate, know-how.

DIMENSIONS: 13 cm H x 42 cm W x 30cm D  (5 in H x 17 in W x 12 in D)


Inspired by Emergency Locators (black boxes) aboard aircrafts and other forms of transportation, this interactive audio installation breaks down meaningless chatter into… a more uni-form meaningless chatter. The Helpless Articulation Locator (model #2011) should be used only for emergence. Speak into the hand-held microphone and the HAL2011 will restructure your emergency transmission and broadcast it throughout the art gallery, shopping mall, parking lot, or where ever else you might have crashed into; helping you to locate just exactly what it is you are trying to communicate.